How many bluefin tuna can you keep?

The Maggie is a harpoon that hooks. To have a successful tuna season, I need to organize a good harpoons season, June and July, lift my pulpit in August and keep my head down with the hooks. All Atlantic bluefin tuna caught in the recreational category over 73 inches long falls into a special “trophy” category when retained by recreational fishermen. The CIAT fisheries management recommendations contained in CIAT resolution C-14-06 call for reducing the commercial catch of Pacific bluefin tuna by 20 to 45 percent of the average catch from 2002 to 2004 across the Pacific for treaty member countries.

Recreational fishermen report their catches of bigeye, yellowfin and Atlantic albacore tuna on a voluntary basis, but are subject to a mandatory reporting scheme for Atlantic bluefin tuna. The California recreational tuna regulations (Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), sections 27.65 and 28.38, were amended to comply with federal regulations that reduce catch, in accordance with international treaty agreements addressing overfishing in the North Pacific. I'm also going to simplify this debate by using only the last two seasons and the data collected by the American Bluefin Tuna Association as samples. The CDFW monitors commercial and recreational landings of Pacific bluefin tuna in California, and works closely with NOAA fisheries and their components to improve and improve the collection of biological data that will serve as a basis for future stock assessment work and to accelerate the monitoring and reporting of catches.

The American Bluefin Tuna Association represents the four main categories of fishermen who catch bluefin, bigeye, albacore and yellowfin tuna from the Atlantic using conventional hook and line, harpoon, hand line and green stick gear. Currently, two Pacific bluefin tunas can be caught or held, in addition to the general daily limit of 20 finfish specified in title 14, section 27.60 (a) of the CCR. Tuna fishing is very restrictive in terms of the number and size of fish that they are allowed to catch and hold. In response to the recommendation of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) to reduce recreational and commercial landings of Pacific bluefin tuna, the Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) examined a set of reduction options for daily recreational baggage limits on the West Coast.

In recent years, approximately 20,000 recreational tuna fishing permits have been issued in the Atlantic every year. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) reminds fishermen that the new recreational regulations for Pacific bluefin tuna and other tunas, adopted last year by the California Fish and Game Commission, are now in effect and are available for review in the current California ocean sport fishing regulation booklet. The rules on fillets for tuna were also amended to allow species identification by law enforcement officers and biologists. The important thing to keep in mind is that “unless modified”, since bluefin tuna usually has changes in retention limits during the season, since catch data is good due to the 24-hour notification requirement.

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